White Pine Seedlings

Age:  1 year, 2 year and 3 year

Type: Bare root

Description: Grows quickly and best with full sunlight. Young trees can tolerate some shade.

Planting tips: Grows in any soil, prefers sandy loam and tolerates water.


White Cedar Seedlings

White Cedar Seedlings

Age: 2 year and 3 year

Type: Bare root

Description: Hardy tree and excellent for hedging and privacy.

Planting tips: Prefers moist soil, grows in a variety of soils but does not tolerate road salt.


Mugho Pine Seedlings

Age: 2 year and 3 year

Type: Bare root

Description: Shrubby pine and is excellent as ornamental.

Planting tips:  Tolerate of many soils.

AVAILABILITY:  Arriving soon....

Tips on Planting Seedlings ...

Timing - Early spring is best before the seedlings come out of dormancy

Moisture - Keep the seedlings moist until planting

Handling - Carefully handle seedling roots to avoid damage and strive to maintain the roots intact

Soil - Plant in soil that is consistent with the tree type including pH, moisture, flooding, clay / sand / organics mixture

Sunlight - Ensure the seedling is in the sunlight based on tree type, avoid hot afternoon sun if possible

Grasses and Weeds - Remove vegetation surrounding the seedling to minimize competiton and avoid smothering and lack of sun.